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Why coffee

We like coffee. Many other people in the world like to drink coffee too. Once we began to be consсious about human health, we started to deepen a caffein pros and cons. We know: more caffeine content in a coffee, more tasty the coffee.

Israeli Ministry of Health has not approved the יhealth claims mentioned here. Each claim here we supported by proper research (just "click" over a claim to see the origin), We didn't have info whether the Ministry read and check these researches.

Caffeine stimulates muscle growth in athletes.

Caffeine may be good for your heart.

If overdose, each one good think may be dangerous, even drinkable water. So, be aware and don't overdose coffee. Coffee contains not only a caffeine, it includes hundreds of other ingradients. For example, Cafestol has a potential role as an antidiabetic ; Clorogenic Acid has positive effects on  regulating glucose and lipid metabolism or in simple words helps against diabete, obesity and more. The caffeine in moderate coffee consumption has have positive effects. In any case coffee drinkers need not fear for their health ,maybe opposite is a true!

Scientific journal Cell Cycle reveals amazing fact how coffee improves our health: by drinking coffee, you activate your body's natural detoxification process (so-called "autophagy"). How that? Because coffee induces autophagy (in simple words: coffee induces your body's cleansing.

Why whole beans coffee

Did you ask yourself why grounded coffee is cheaper than whole bean coffee? After all, grinding is additional process, so inevitable there are additional expenses??? First of all, whether other kinds of coffee beans added to the claimed brand (you just cannot see it)? 

Some argue alien fillers might be added to grounded coffee: clay, plastics, starch, chicory, beans, barley, peas, date pits, oranges seeds etc., depending on a country and coffee makers.

But let's speak about coffee maker, wich doesn't add alien additives and doesn't mix cheaper coffee beans.

After roasting, coffee slowly with time dries up. Its aroma volatilizes through the grain surface. You may say there is sealed packing. But firstly let's compare two conditions: a whole bean and grounded bean.

coffee-beans_and_groundedLet's look one bean.coffee-one

cube divided by 8Let's imagine, just for our explanation, this one bean as a cube of 10 (mm) millimeters (around ⅜ inch). This cube surface area is the area of one facet of the cube (10 x 10 = 100) multiplied by number of facetes (6) of the cube. So surface of this cube: 100 x 6 = 600 (sq.mm).

Now, let's cut this cube by 8 identical cubes. The area of one facet: 5 x 5 = 25 . Surface of one new cube : 25 x 6 = 150. The total surface area of all 8 cubes is 150 x 8 = 1200 (sq. mm).

Actually, as you just read, if you cut something (in our case a coffee bean), its surface area is growing! So even in sealed package (that of course not hermetically closed), whole beans have kept their freshness much better than ground coffee.

We have another reason to distribute whole beans. Take a look down.

What happens in grinding machine, what happens in grinding roasted beans process?

Why an organic whole beans coffee

In regular coffee growing process some additives used to improve taste, aromas etc. For example ferments and sucrose gives "vanilla" taste and "floral" aromas.

Our preference is not to swallow unfamiliar alian synthetic additives in our coffee and to drink it without any industrial solvents. As all organic foods we prefer coffee which grows without pesticides, fertilizer, irradiation etc.

Where to buy our organic coffee

Our coffee has reached shops, you can find their list here

If you didn't find a shop close to you, please write us required location and shop's name; we will check supply possibility.

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